It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby back, baby back

So it appears my posts are like grandma's teeth...few and far between (my Grandma uses this saying, and it never gets old). Anyhow, I'll cut to the point...Mason is great! It will be 6 months next week, where does the time go?  I have not paid too much attention to where he should be developmentally, but I feel he's doing great. I'm sure the normal six monther can do some cool things, but he appears to be progressing just fine. Today was a milestone, but apparently there are many with kids. He rolled over. He has gone mobile! Pretty soon it will be crawling. He already loves to be held in the standing position on your lap. He no longer has bobble head syndrome; he is able to hold his head up on his own. He's a big boy. Aaaaaaand he has realized he does not have to keep his hands in fists all the time. With this epiphany he has started to grab things. He does really well with soft objecst like his blanket or hair. Speaking of hair, he is a hair puller---of his own that is. I don't know how I feel about it though. It seems to be bad, but online it says that it is a soother for baby. We'll keep an eye on this. I feel like Mason has made so many new transitions this week, it's amazing. Actually the word is bittersweet. He's gonna be six weeks and doing who knows what next week! I'm not ready... I want my baby back!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Perfect 10!

Well, he's perfect, but he's not a 10. My baby is a 10.6! Owwwwww! Yep, that's right, he is in double digit weight. You'd think he scored a perfect SAT score the way Pat and I reacted. Ha! He is perfect though. He's pretty much perfected his head, so it's always on a swivel. He looks too cute in his Bumbo as he practices sitting up. He absolutely loves sitting up facing the world, taking it all in. Mason has discovered his hands and they are in his mouth constantly. And while I don't want it to become a bad habit, he is some kinda cute with that lil ol thumb stuck in his lil ol mouth! However, he is the ultimate drooling machine. We finally stopped wrapping him like an egg roll for bedtime, and we're super excited about it. Even though he does not sleep through the night he does a good job of only waking up once. So I appreciate that. In our pastime we sit around gawking at how cute he is. I can't believe how often I kiss him, but I should do it now because in a few years he'll say "gross". He is now 22 inches long, and is really exploring his legs. He kicks them when he is ticked off at us, especially that right one. On occasion, he tries to stand up, which is beyond funny. I know I'd freak out if he started walking early. After all, the past five months have flown by. I see why people say it's sad. The best treat, recently, has been hearing his voice more often. We can really get him going and it is adorable. Next month we go for his gestational four month check up, and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. And even if they have anything shocking to say about him, they won't be able to make me think of him anything less than my perfect 10!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Call me crazy

I don't know how. I don't even know if it is medically possible. However, Mason has gotten cuter. I know it sounds impossible, but I kid you not. I had the pleasure of spending every waking moment with him over spring break, and it was not like the month I spent on maternity leave. This kid is C-UTE! Ok, ok, in all seriousness...he is cute and I know why. He's "maturing". Yes, he still wears some newborn clothing and may just be hitting double digit weight, but he's maturing. He is developing a personality. I don't know how many times a day Pat and I say "Look!" when he makes a certain movement or facial expression. Also, he smiles and coos all the time. Nothing is better than hearing your child's voice. I can't imagine him talking one day. I'm gonna be in utter shock. I'm assuming every mother, especially first timer, feel their kid is soooo darling. 'Cause I sure due. Even when he's ticked off he's a cutie. His little lip slowly rolls down until it perfectly pouts, then his eyes get glazed from the tears, he starts breathing fast, the the wail! Oh so adorable. I think he's gonna be a nice guy, kinda like his pop. I was too shy, and I hope he doesn't inherit that. He ain't a mama's boy, he likes anyone who want to talk to him. And don't worry, there are still spurts of feisty in him, so that must be here to stay. If you haven't met this guy, you need to! Well, seeing how I'm at work (yikes! Chillax...I'm pumping) I'd better keep this short. So, I'll leave you with some important words: If you haven't met MJW, you should because the kid is cute!.