It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Trust me....

Someone asked me how I knew what to do with Mason. I replied, "I just do." And that is the truth. People always tell you that your maternal instincts will kick in when you have a baby. I was skeptical when I heard this, but it is true. Although I must say some of parenting is just common sense. But let's not forget...sense ain't common. Which is why some folk don't excel at it. Generally, I do not doubt what I am doing with Mason. However, this could be in part because he is still a baby and I don't have much to do. The dude doesn't ask for much. Some milk. To be held. Played with. Or sleep. It is not hard. Occasionally he'll throw in something just to make sure I'm alert. Perhaps he will get fussy because he is hot, I can figure that out. Or if he wants you to walk him around he may give a lil attitude. So, right now I think I have good maternal instincts. I know that when he get older I am gonna grapple over what to do. That is when the hard stuff arises. Do I call the doctor? Is it an allergy? Can he go to a sleepover? Which college should I choose? Now, that is scary. He never questions my decision making and he seems happy, so I must be doing something right.

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