It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The greatest gift?

What's the greatest gift? The gift of life? The gift of love? The gift of reading? Nope, nope, and nope. Apparently, I am giving Mason the greatest gift I can give him. Breast milk. Now, I have some issues with people asking me if I am breastfeeding. Mainly, not everyone produces milk; and I would be sad if I had to repeatedly tell people that. People have a lot of interest in what milk my child is receiving. I can tell when I meet a breast milk proponent. They have a look in their eyes. One lady said "It is the best thing you can do for your child". Really, lady? The best? Out of allllllll the things I could do for my child? How about not drinking or using drugs while pregnant? That's a good gift. How about a stable home or the simple gift of love? I work with some kids, and I sure can't tell the ones who were breastfed. Yet, I certainly can tell a kid from an unstable home. I digress, for that is another blog. Back to the milk. The nurse brought a breast pump to the room the day after child birth. It's a process. You have to pump on a schedule, which was really difficult to do when I did not have a baby at home. And as the days went one, nurses would ask if I would be breast feeding. Lactation consultants would call to see if I was still going strong at home. They even tried to get me to sign a consent form for Mason to receive donor milk if I could not produce my own. (By the way I answered NO!) Pressure, so much pressure. I'm glad I can offer this "super food" to my child, but it comes at a price. It doesn't feel that pleasant. Your breast become tender at odd moments. If Mason and I are bonding too much they begin to leak. If we're not bonding they leak. You have to build your daily schedule around pumping. It ain't for the weak. Nonetheless, I am doing it. Besides, it's cheaper and allegedly helps you lose weight.

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