It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No nipples!

Well, today is my first day of maternity leave...with my baby at home. So far, so good. I even did the night shift without too much discombobulation. Now, I am home for six weeks, so I am certain I will get more blogging in. And I am sure that there will be a milestone in those two weeks. We had our first milestone this weekend. I decided to take Mason to see my grandma. His first trip out of the house that was not a visit to the doctor. I bundled him up and loaded the diaper bag. As we were riding down I-40 my brain began to function. That's when I realized that I packed 99% of the essentials. What's the 1%? Nipples. I packed bottles and no nipples. I panicked. What was I to do? Do I feed au natural? Turn around? By a cheap-o bottle? So I did what made sense... I called Pat. He was no help. He suggested a natural feed, I was not interested. Luckily, Babies R Us was the next exit. So, Mason got to take his first trip to a public place. Of course I was paranoid to take a newby to a place as such. After finding the most convenient, yet cramped parking space we went in. I decided to keep my car seat cover on, and not contaminate my boy. Of all the days I have gone into this store, this was the most crowded I had ever seen it. And everyone in there was in the bottle section. I kid you not. Next lesson, bottles are more expensive than I'd anticipated. After spending twice as long as desired, I bought a bottle, squeezed Mason back into car, and headed to Grandma's. Whew. Lesson of the day? Check, double check, and triple check that diaper bad. 'Cause stoppin ain't worth the headache.

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