It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Monday, December 20, 2010

Funny Guy

Mason is a funny little dude. He's doing really well. Of course he's out of the isolete. So his latest challenge has been to take his meals from the bottle. For the most part he's hitting the bottle (hehehe) well. Sometimes if he is too pooped, however, they will give him the tube. The nurses had been telling us that he was "telling" them he wanted the bottle. Mason is generally a quiet fella, so we were curious what that meant. Well, we got to experience that today. Once he woke up he was raising a ruckus and kept putting his hands in his mouth. His ruckus was just making his cute little semi-cry, it's more cute and funny than pitiful. Thus meaning I look at him and giggle instead of rushing to pacify him. So, I fed him. A couple of times he rejected me which consisted of not  swallowing and just letting a little waterfall of my precious milk cascade down his chin. But eventually he polished off most of the 40milliters. The funniest part that made mom and dad laugh was his final sip. Once I pulled the bottle out of his motch he raised his tongue to the roof of his mouth and made a smacking sound, as if to say "now that was some good stuff". Now the funniest/oddest thing he does is his "I'm not happy with you" look. Whenever he is cranky/fed up/agitated he gets red. He actually takes on a red undertone. RED! It's crazy because it comes on so quickly. Pat and I will just look in amazement that he turns red.  I guess he's a lil red bone after all because Pat wanted a brown baby. That's what he gets!

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