It's a Boy

It's a Boy

Sunday, November 28, 2010

April showers bring November babies

Well it happened. My shower. Now if you attended the shower and heard the tale of prom or my oral presentation in ninth grade English then you know that I don't do attention well. Needless to say I was not completely sold on the idea of a shower. It was tons of stress with a shower. The registry. The guest list. Well... that doesn't seem like much, but it sure felt that way. I digress. So, the shower went well. Folks even traveled to see me! Little 'ol me. They came from far away lands like Charlotte, Atlanta, Kernersville, and Chapel Hill. The venue was great. The food was delish. The games were fun. (But I did not enjoy scooping those cotton balls and being the laughing stock) I found the M&M game absolutely adorable, but perhaps they should eliminate the funny story option. The toughest part? Opening gifts in front of all those folks. And by all those folks I mean family and close friends. In the end, it was all gravy. Maybe I'll even have a bridal shower one day. HA! So in conclusion, the booger picker is signing off, and thanking all those who came and those who wanted to be there. (Only attendees are privy to "booger picker" knowledge.)

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